Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rookie Cache

As I reflect on my recent experiences @NETA12 I find myself thinking these things:

1. Wow, I connected with and met so many wonderful, people.
2. Where, can I house all my recently gained knowledge, thoughts and experiences?
3. This isn't my first NETA conference, why was this one the best?
4. Presenting during the last session on friday wasn't as bad as I thought!

These thoughts and many more bring me to my "Rookie" blog post tonight.  I have been considering this "blog" stuff for some time, but have never had the courage to put myself out there.  #NETA12 and some great people in my Twitter PLN inspired me to start now and not delay.  Thank you @mrbadura for the final words of encouragement to end my excuse train.

So as I reflect on all the new "techy" things I learned this last week, I am also reflecting on all the things I have learned about myself.  I have "officially" put myself out there in the Blog World!  I am excited about this professional learning opportunity.  Although I have been in education for fourteen years, I am always looking to learn and gain knowledge from others.  Conferences such as NETA provide this opportunity.  I am also looking forward to learning, growing and blogging with my followers. 

Thank you to all of you who have spent time "connecting" with me these last few days.  I'm anxious to continue this blog journey and continue sharing this and other professional learning experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Heather-

    Congratulations on your first blog post! What a great opportunity for you to model a positive digital footprint for your students and to SHARE some of the awesome things that you are doing with your students! One of the best decisions I made as an educator was to begin blogging! Great job! I am going to add your blog to my Google Reader....looking forward to reading in the future!
