Sunday, September 30, 2018

March Madness
March 28-29

"It's not how big you are, it's how big you play." -John Wooden

I am hoping we’ve got your attention now.  Have you heard the news? March Madness 2019 will take a different look this year when over 2,000 teachers, administrators and other school officials connect, collaborate and share at the annual spring NETA conference.  You’ve seen it on social media, read it online and hopefully drank out of a beautiful coffee mug advertising the NEW dates of this Buzzer Beater Event!!  With more than 200 breakout sessions in two days, this conference is sure to “Cut the Net”.  
As your brackets are busting and your sweet 16 picks are turning into March Sadness, you have another chance to win your game.  A chance to team up with more than 2,000 educators across the state to learn, grow and elevate your game. In the words of John Wooden: “It’s how big you play”.  You will play big while you immerse yourself with others who are in it to win it, others who are ready to take their learning to Go BIG or go home.  You will play big as you Hustle with Heart and make the learning happen.
We’ve heard your suggestions and listened to your feedback.  We know The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. We are giving a little extra and ready to make some shots.  So this fall, when you are giving your all… we hope you make the call! Join us March 28-29 in Omaha!!

Let the Madness begin!!

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